January 31, 2016

Annual Research Symposium, coming soon to the Beckman Institute

The 6th Annual Society for Postdoctoral Scholars (SOPS) Postdoctoral Research Symposium is coming soon to the Beckman Institute at UIUC! In 6 short days, my colleagues and I will be hosting 18 talks and 24 poster presentations in a day-long event (program here). While the formal registration period is closed, we encourage people to stop by and attend the lectures and poster session.

The event will take place at the Beckman Institute on the UIUC campus. Founded around 25 years ago through a financial gift from Arnold Beckman (of Beckman Instruments fame), the Institute is a catalyst for interdisciplinary research [1]. Our Symposium does certainly seem to be the pinnacle of multidisciplinarity this year, as our talks and posters will cover a wide range of topical areas and academic fields.

Breakdown of presenting talks and posters by topical category.


[1] for more on the benefits of interdisciplinary research, please see: Ledford, H.   How to solve the world's biggest problems. Nature News, September 16 (2015).

UPDATE (2/7/2016): we live-tweeted the conference with the hashtag #SOPSymposium. Check it out with pictures, details on the talks, and more! Also check out this time-lapse of the keynote address!

1 comment:

  1. Great to know about SOPS postdoctoral Research Symposium. I have heard a lot about Beckman Institute. I must say that such events are really knowledgeable. I had attended conference at Chicago venues where a discussion went on topical areas and academic fields. That meeting was really helpful for me to improve my knowledge.
