January 22, 2021

OREL and DevoWorm Review of 2020

As part of our preparations for the New Year, I prepared a set of presentations for my two research groups: Representational Brains and Phenotypes and DevoWorm. I have posted the slides below, and if you see something interesting that you would like to participate in, please contact me. If you are interested in learning more, please join the Orthogonal Research and Education Lab or OpenWorm Slack. You can also attend our weekly meetings: 3pm UTC Saturdays for Saturday Morning NeuroSim (more info), or 3pm UTC Mondays for DevoWorm (more info).

Saturday Morning NeuroSim presentation, with a focus on the Representational Brains and Phenotypes group (click slides to enlarge).


DevoWorm weekly meeting presentation, with a focus on the DevoWorm group  (click slides to enlarge).

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